5886 Mowry School Rd, Newark, CA 94560


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Free delivery and pharmacy services that are easy to use

Hospices can easily get pharmacy services from Ultram Store. We make sure that hospice patients get sensitive care, free deliveries on time, and easy control of their medications. Our dedicated team of experienced pharmacists works closely with hospice staff to provide personalized solutions and make sure that each patient gets the best drug schedule. Our pharmacy services make it easy for hospices to focus on comforting and helping their patients, knowing that their drug needs are being taken care of.

Clinical Support for LTCs

Ultram Store puts a high priority on providing professional support to long-term care centers (LTCs) so they can give their clients the best care possible. Our full range of professional support services are meant to improve how medications are managed and help patients do better in long-term care situations. Our skilled team of clinical pharmacists works with LTC staff to do full reviews of medications, look for possible drug combinations or side effects, and suggest the best ways to handle them.

Support - Tramadol (Ultram) Store
expired medicine - Tramadol (Ultram) Store

Collection of Expired Medications for LTCs

Ultram Store is dedicated to properly getting rid of medicines, especially those that have passed their expiration date in Long-Term Care facilities (LTCs). We provide an easy and safe way to gather and get rid of old medicines, making sure that you follow all the rules set by the government and good environmental practices. By working with TIB Pharmacy to get rid of old medicines, LTCs can keep the area safe and clear of waste, which is good for residents’ health and the environment.

Formulary Design and Management

Ultram Store focuses on handling the planning of formularies for care patients. Our experienced clinical pharmacists work closely with hospices to make sure that every patient gets the right medicine at the right time and in the right amount. We carefully go over each patient’s medicine record, give advice on how to make therapy work better, keep an eye on drug combinations, and let you know about any problems that shouldn’t happen.

Ultram Store does know how important it is to keep track of medications in hospice care. When a patient first comes to hospice care and at regular times during their stay, our clinical team does full reviews of all of their medicines. This careful method lets us find any possible problems, like drug combinations, and make the changes that are needed to protect and improve the health and safety of our patients.

Significance of Formulation Management

It is normal for doctors to give people more than one drug in hospice and long-term care situations. But different doctors and experts tend to focus on different problems, leaving total care and other explanations out of the picture sometimes. This can lead to prescriptions for drugs that might not work well together. At Ultram Store, trained pharmacists are very important because they look over all of a patient’s medicines and doses based on their medical background and other drugs to make sure they work better and don’t hurt them.

Medication Formulation - Tramadol (Ultram) Store
Financial Efficiency Solutions - Tramadol (Ultram) Store

Cost Effectiveness

Ultram Store’s prices are fair and easy to understand, which lets hospices focus their resources on caring for patients instead of paperwork. Here are some of the most important parts of our method to managing costs:

  • Online Portal: Through Ultram Store’s online platform, hospices can easily find out what medications are available and how much they cost without having to call.
  • Spending Protocols: We work with hospices to set up procedures that will quickly let them know if the cost of the drugs they need goes over certain limits.
  • Spending Reports: Ultram Store gives customers weekly reports on their spending, which makes things clear and helps them control costs well.

We suggest healing options that are less expensive.

Custom Reporting

We know that being honest with our customers is important, so we made a system that lets long-term care facilities keep track of patients’ drug past, drug spending, and a lot more. We give our customers the information they need to make smart choices and better handle medication solutions for their patients through reports. Customers can quickly and safely get to patient data and different results through TIB’s online platform, which includes:

  • Reports on antibiotics
  • News from NDC
  • Reports on Psychotropics
  • Reports on antipsychotics
  • Record of Medication Adherence (MAR)
Custom Reporting - Tramadol (Ultram) Store
Customized Packing - Tramadol (Ultram) Store

Compliance Packaging

The drugstore staff at Ultram Store knows how important it is for long-term care and nursing situations to have special packing. We offer bubble-wrapped medicine cards, pre-filled needles, and other unique packing choices at no extra cost to customers who ask for them. This packaging gets rid of the chance of mistakes that people make when giving out medications. This means that nurses can spend less time organizing medications and more time giving patients good care.

Significance of Special Packaging

Some types of facilities are required by law to put certain information on the packages of drugs, like lot numbers and expiration dates. To meet these standards, drugs are split and each one is separately wrapped in bubble wrap. Because nurses can only give out meds and not deliver drugs, each one needs to be clearly marked and packed.

24/7/365 Availability/Round-the-Clock Availability

We know that medical situations can happen when the business isn’t open. 24/7/365, Ultram Store is committed to meeting the wants of its patients. You can depend on Ultram Store at any time of the day or night because our doctors and staff are ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case of situations.

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Contact Us

    Let me welcome you to Ultram Store, the best place for Hospices and LTCs to get help in the central valley and the greater New York Bay Area. We stand out because we are dedicated to greatness. This means that your patients will get the best care and help possible throughout their healthcare path.

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